My clients often say to me after I praise their wedding day: "I bet you say that to all the brides!....", and in truth I usually do - but that's because we are so well matched as photographer and bride and groom.
They have a great wedding celebration with their closest family and friends and I have a great time photographing all the fun and happiness - and sometimes tears ....
Nicola and Jonathan's wedding was a little bit different to many that I photograph. They decided to get married at the church where Nicola's Mum and Dad were married in Lanchester, County Durham and have their reception at Van Mildert College in Durham where they had met each other while at University .... aahhhh.
The day worked out great, it rained at the right times (when we were inside) and stopped when we wanted to catch some daylight without getting wet.
Nic and Jon spent some time at Prebends Bridge in Durham which was a special place to them, and it featured in my pre-wedding portrait photography session with them too.
It's never easy to get a clean shot of the bridge without tourists or students on, but with a little bit of persuasion and 'coaxing' and a touch of luck, I managed to get some lovely images of them on the bridge and walking (very gingerly on the wet coblestones) down to the bridge too.
I loved this wedding (as I love all my weddings .... ) and it was great to be with such a great couple and their lovely families in Durham for the day.
I hope you enjoy some of the images I created.
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