There's a tremendous amount of work to do once a wedding has been photographed.
I complete a 1st edit as soon as I return back to base, and that's whether I get back at midnight or 2 o' clock in the morning.
I much prefer to do this 1st edit of images from two cameras while the day is fresh in my mind.
First edit is to take out all the images that didn't quite work, all the images where the bride and groom and their guests have their eyes shut or where they are pulling a funny face (unintentionally of course.....)
At this stage I 'see' some photographs in black and white and I make a monochrome version of the image to remind me later, and it's amazing how many brides and grooms love my selections and order them later as framed portraits or canvases, I still don't know how I decide that a particular image will work so well as a monochrome photograph, I guess it's just years of experience!
Some weddings we decide beforehand to complete ALL in black and white, and luckily with digital nowadays that's an easy option, although getting the rich deep blacks and clean whites that look so good takes a little time with every image in post production... and that all adds up.
First edit will take me between 2-3 hours, and at that stage I also colour correct and enhance the images when and where they are needed, to give them a little bit of WOW factor and try give my bride and groom an impression of how a captured image can look in different styles or ways of presentation... so some images have three of four variations, perhaps in black and white, perhaps with a stronger more graphical colour correction, or maybe a version with just a slight amount of image enhancement.
My latest wedding news and photographs HERE: